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In this article we are going to tell you what to expect when you have a PICC insertion. A PICC is a thin and flexible tube and that is inserted into a vein in your upper arm threaded along the vein so that the tip lies in one of the large veins in your chest just above your heart. Pigs are used for giving you a treatments such as fluids and nutrition medication or for delivering blood transfusions , they can also be used to take samples of your blood for testing. You may be offered a PICC to avoid the need of repeat needle insertions. PICCs can be in place for up to five to six months but most are in place for a few weeks.


Before PICC insertion procedure:

You can eat and drink normally before the insertion procedure. You’ll need to sign a consent form before your procedure, a nurse or doctor will go through this with you and you can ask as many questions as you like.


The PICC insertion procedure:

The procedure takes about 30minutes ,your PICC would be inserted by a specialist nurse or doctor in a private room under sterile conditions. The nurse or doctor will prepare a trolley with the equipment need  to insert your PICC, they will wear a mask, gown,hat and gloves to make sure that everything is kept as clean as possible, you’ll need to lie down and then a nurse or doctor will put drapes over you to make sure that the surrounding area is kept clean. You’ll need to stretch out one are to enable the picc to be inserted. The nurse or doctor will clean the area where the PICC line is to be inserted. An ultrasound scanner is then used to help access the most suitable veins for insertion of the PICC .The sensor may feel cold against your skin but the scam is painless. The nurse or doctor will inject a local anesthetic to numb the area you’ll feel a slight thing when the local anesthetic is applied but after this you shouldn’t feel any discomfort once the skin is numb. The ultrasound is used while a fine needle is inserted into the vein, the counterpart of the needle is removed then the picc line is threaded through the tip of the needle in your arm into a large vein that leads to your heart. The insertion is usually painless and takes only a few minutes. Endcaps will be attached to the picc line then a dressing is applied . During the insertion you may be attached to a cardiac monitor to enable the nurse or doctor to guide the PICC line into the correct position. Sometimes it can be difficult to thread the PICC line through the vein, if this happens,the nurse or doctor will try again using a different vein. Once the PICC has been inserted you may need a chest X-ray to confirm the exact position of the line , if the X-ray shows the PICC is not in the right place, the nurse or doctor may be able to move it, if this doesn’t work, it will be taken out and replaced. Some people do anxious even though the procedure is painless. You should talk to your nurse or doctor at any time if you’re worried or feel uncomfortable.


After the PICC insertion procedure:

You may experience tenderness around the area of your upper arm where the PICC line was inserted. This is most common in the first week after insertion. You can take over-the-counter pain relief such us paracetamol, if the pain persists you should contact the hospital. Your PICC dressing and access point are usually changed once a week unless they’re loose or can’t be kept clean, in which case they’ll need to be changed sooner to minimize the risk of infection or damage to your PICC. You must avoid heavy lifting with bat arm. But having a PICC in place should not interfere with your everyday life. You can a shower or a bath as long as you’re careful to keep the PICC dressing dry, waterproof shower sleeves will be provided for this purpose. Swimming is discourage to avoid submerging the PICC in water but you can play most sports don’t involve excess upper body movement. You can go on holiday with a PICC in place but it’s a good idea to discuss holiday plans with your medical team. If you have any doubts about living with your PICC, just asking your nurse or doctor for advise.


The risk of having a PICC insertion procedure:

Having a PICC insertion is a low-risk procedure, you’ll be recommended a PICC because the potential benefits far outweigh the risks. Sometimes the infection can develop despite the measures taken to avoid them. Sometimes a blood clot may form in the vein around your PICC. You’ll need to monitor yourself for signs of infection including checking your temperature. It’s important that you contact your hospital if you notice tenderness or redness or past discharge from the PICC site or you notice that your hand or arm is swollen or if you develop the temperature. When the dressing is being changed the PICC can sometimes be removed out of position slightly. If the PICC line comes out by more than a few centimeters, it’s position need to be checked. Sometimes by taking a chest X-ray. If you have questions or concerns about any aspect of your PICC line, you should contact your hospital.
